the nest

the nest. it is a quite cozy little nook in our bedroom, filled with the essentials, just waiting to welcome our baby. when we set up the moses basket in our room, harper immediately filled it with a few stuffed animals and ever so carefully tucked a doll appropriately named baby brother inside. she checks on him and occasionally informs me that he is crying and needs to be taken care of, which she so sweetly does.

i am ready with burp cloths, soft new bedding and cozy blankets. my most recent pregnancy craving - organic blood orange italian soda is always close by. our friends gifted us with an entire case of it and i am sad to say we are on our last bottle. it is probably a good thing that we don't have a membership to the store that sells it.

so we are just waiting. sometimes patiently, other more uncomfortable times, not so patiently. until then, i plan on walking, sipping tea, snuggling my girl, rubbing the belly, and probably doing a few more loads of laundry. oh, and i might just cry over something really silly.


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