off we go!

We are hopping on a plane and heading to Seattle! Christopher's brother moved to the lovely city last fall and we are going for a short vacation. Since we are flying, I put this little suitcase together for Harper's entertainment. I thought she might enjoy having her very own suitcase to carry as she seems to really mimic everything we are doing right now. Flying with squirmy toddlers can be tricky, so I tried to gather a few things that would keep her attention for a while. Hopefully these goodies (mostly some of her favorite little things) will keep her happy as well as our fellow passengers.

I've numbered them (although after I did, thought, well, duh it's pretty obvious)!

1. crayons and scrap paper
2. raspberry fruit strip
3. happy tot fruit puree
4. her favorite glasses
5. a new tiger we got at the zoo yesterday
6. light up shark
7. elmo book - she adores elmo!
8. necklace - cause she's the bead lady
9. watch - and she loves to dress up
10. bracelet
11. clicker - this is the only noise maker which might be confiscated before the flight takes off
12. piggy
13. stickers - girlfriend loves her stickers!
14. busy town book - has tons of little details to point out

*not included in picture that i added later - toy car, blankie, and her favorite bunny that won't fit in this tiny little suitcase. 


  1. LOVE IT- what a fab post! The pics are so lovely, Jo xx

  2. Love her suitcase!! Have a great trip and hopefully you'll have a chance to check out my cafe up there. Praying Harper does well traveling!

  3. Such a pretty luggage!! Have a great time and a fun flight!


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